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2025 Jan to Mar (Thursday) Tech Buddies Applicants - RPL Brighouse Branch 
Brighouse Branch (Adult & Senior Services)


Provide hands-on help with technology learning to seniors at various community centres and seniors'' facilities in Richmond. Volunteers should be 50+, tech-savvy and comfortable teaching technology basics on phones, tablets, or laptops. Additional languages are an asset.

Specific Tasks:

*Offer advice and guidance to older adults on a variety of devices in a patient and friendly manner, and corresponding with their needs, interests, and skill levels.

*Set up and take down equipment and supplies for each session, as needed.

*Volunteers should be available to help on Thursdays, 3:00pm-4:30pm at Brighouse Branch
Session dates: Jan 23, 30; Feb 6, 13, 20, 27; Mar 6, 13, 20, 27

This opportunity is for volunteers who have succesfully passed the library volunteer screening process only.


Minimum age: 50

100-7700 Minoru Gate
Richmond BC, V6Y 1R8

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Contact Info
Isaac Lai
Email: isaac.lai@yourlibrary.ca